I was asked to make a my own take on an existing stock image of a lady with shopping bags for some ad campaign, though they didn't end up with this style, i'm just posting this one for illustration style samples that I could possibly do, and that includes the following 2 images with same style as this.

The following Images are character designs I made for an ad campaign pitch. if you're an in house illustrator for an ad agency, they push you further, even if it's for a pitch, no assurance to it, but sometimes though they are fun to make, like these images, you wouldn't care about the time and effort cuz it's fun! (Ideas are not mine, but the molding of characters are made by me, from scratch base on the art director's request).

This image and the following are series of key visual in partner with a storyboard for a proposed animation for a tv ad.

Sample if icons and one character design I made for a facebook page for a toothpaste brand promoting health and wellness.