Animation done with adobe after effects, images done with procreate
Paralysis Twins
Months ago I experienced sleep paralysis, it’s been a while since my last one, as far as I could remember, I only have these when I’m over worked, exhausted and stressed out, resulting for my body to completely shutdown during sleep. This time though I wasn’t really over worked, but just stressed out and anxious, as a result of sleeping pretty late, like 4-5am. During the sleep paralysis these 2 appeared in front of me, although it’s quite blurred since I couldn’t stand and see them clearly, I can familiarized the shapes, I know they both have no faces, thin, they dressed up in Japanese school girl uniforms, long haired and just stared at me for a while, they stood on some narrow alley, I could also hear someone with a very deep giant voice crying in the background, as if that individual wasn’t allowed to play along the paralysis, then seconds later the other figure went towards me, and slipped into my left armpit and stayed there, i felt it tickled, but later on I felt my armpit numb, while I could still see that figure staring back at me under my arms, and I also kinda almost lost my breath due to the tickling, so I had to try and wake myself up by trying to scream out loud, then I woke up and that was it. Maybe I should have a notebook or a sketch pad next to my bed all the time, I usually just type some weird dreams on my notes app, but sometimes there are figures that are probably better drawn than describing them on detail. The reason I could still recall the figures was, I thought of them the whole day after that, even after the paralysis, but tried not to get them back into my dreams when I was about to go back to sleep.